Title: Sherwood Sharks Head Coach

Keith McAfee began his swimming career at age 6 as a member of the Miller’s Swim Gym. Keith joined the Little Rock Racquet Club Dolphins swim team in 1972 swimming for Dolphin Coaches Kees Oudegueest, Robin White and Paul Blair and was team captain his senior year.


During that time, he held several Arkansas State and Dolphin team records. Keith is a graduate of Hall High School and Hendrix College where he was team captain. He coached the Hendrix Aquakids from 1983-1986. Keith was an age group coach of the Dolphins from 1986-1989 and has been an integral part of the coaching staff of the Dolphins and now the Dolphin-Laser Swim Team from 1992 to present.


During that time, he started the swimming careers of hundreds of young swimmers, many of whom went on to achieve success at all levels of swimming. He has been involved in many aspects of Arkansas Swimming, Inc. Serving has Equipment Chair and Awards Chair. He has been the meet director for several ASI Age Group Champs Meets. He has been instrumental in the Arkansas Swimming Hall of Fame, serving on the committee since 1987. He was active in the development of the West Little Rock Optimist Summer swim program and has coached the Central Arkansas Summer League Sherwood Sharks.



  • USA Swimming Coach
  • First Aid / CPR / AED Certified